I will be training a new missionary

May 8, 2018
This morning we got our transfer calls. And since the mission has gotten considerably smaller in number of missionaries serving since I have been here, there were a lot of changes this week. Now there is one less zone in the mission and all of the districts are a lot bigger.  I will be staying here in Székesfehérvár and the new district will consist of 3 cities: Székesfehérvár, Veszprém and Papa. I also will be training a new missionary which should be a fun and interesting experience. So tomorrow I have to go to a trainer’s meeting to see what it is all about. 
We also went to Budapest for Stake Conference. It was my second time attending stake conference here. The first time was my 2nd week in the country, and I didn't really understand anything, but this time I understood almost everything. It is nice to see my progression. This past week we also went to a tiny village called Csókakő. We went to see a cool castle there, but I forgot my camera today, so the pictures are going to have to wait another week. We also gave service at an old folks home and talked to a bunch of people. I have gone to a couple old folks homes, but this one was a lot nicer. It almost seemed like I was back in America because everything seemed so clean and normal. Also since it has been sunny and hot outside, I have started to become red and I probably will stay red for the next 6 months or so.  
Fagyi is just the word for ice cream in Hungarian. In Székesfehérvár there are a few different places where you can get this stuff. For some reason Hungarians do Ice cream really good because it always tastes good and is soft. There is a Hymns Made Easy book in the church. None of the students have ever played before, so I can at least teach them how to read music and play simple songs. But hopefully my new companion is able to play the piano, so he can help out. I probably won’t be able to use the computer at the church to Google Hangout on Sunday because there is a new one getting installed. But I plan on going to a member’s house who has good wifi.  As of now we are planning on going there from 3-5 pm on Sunday--Hungarian time. I know that is really early for you guys, but it is the only place we can really do it.  
Sok szeretettel,
Udy Elder

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