Since we have no baptismal font, we went to a local indoor pool

March 26, 2018
Last week was really good for us. We had a baptism for a 13 year old girl.  Her mom is a single mom with three daughters and just recently started to return to activity in the church. Since we have no baptismal font, we went to a local indoor pool to perform the baptism. The branch president was the one to baptize her and it went well. We plan on having another baptism for her little 8 year old sister, but she said she wants to be baptized on her 9th birthday on April 14th.

And then on Sunday we confirmed her a member of the church, and the stake president for the Hungary Budapest stake was also there because he was visiting our branch. The stake president’s name is Southwick elnök and he is actually an American from Idaho. He was a missionary here years ago and married a Hungarian girl, so now he lives here in Hungary and is the stake president and he looks super young. I think he is only in his 30s. Listening to him speak during church was so much easier to understand just because the way he puts sentences together as an English native speaker as compared to a native Hungarian speaker. 
Last p-day we were just walking around the town and we decided to walk in one of the dozen Catholic temples in the city.  Mass was starting so we decided we might as well just stay and attend. It was a little weird because everyone got up to take the sacrament except the two Mormon missionaries sitting in the back. And then when it was over, and we walked out onto the street, everyone was being really nice to us because they thought we were Catholic priests, haha.   

At night there are lights that light up downtown 
I don’t really know what is in the water. I just know it causes missionaries to lose their hair. My companion takes some pills to keep his hair intact and it has worked for him so I just decided to do the same thing. And I have yet to be fed by a member here. Missionaries just don’t get fed too often here, we just have to fend for ourselves most the time.

View from the roof of our 10-story apartment building

View from the roof of our 10-story apartment building

Sok szeretettel,
     Udy Elder

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