Zone Conference, YSA Conference, and Hair Loss???

March 19, 2018
Hellosztok, (Hello)
     On Wednesday the whole west side of the mission went up to Budapest because Elder Paul Johnson, the President of the Europe Area for the Church, came to visit our mission. It was really good to hear from him. 

Surdu, Udy, North Elders at zone conference in Budapest

Pizza lunch at zone conference

Also this week there was a Young Single Adult activity held here in Székesfehérvár for all of the Young single adults in Hungary. They came on Friday and stayed unitl Sunday. It was good because we never had to cook because we could just go over to the church and they would have food for us. Also there were 3 senior missionary couples who came. And because the activity lasted until Sunday our attendance at sacrament meeting was practically doubled from just a bunch of young adults. 

Howard and Udy Elders with Russell Elder and Russel Nover--the new YSA missionaries
We went to a city called Mór to teach one of our investigators. It is actually outside of our area because it is further than 25 kilometers away from us, but we have permission to go out there since we our teaching a promising investigator with a baptismal date. We talked about the baptismal program and everything looks good, so we should have a baptism on Saturday which is exciting.
Also this week on March 15th there was a Hungarian holiday that celebrates the independence of the Kingdom of Hungary from the Austrian Empire of 1848. It is sort of like our July fourth I guess. Outside of our apartment building there were dudes riding horses dressed up in old military gear and it was cool to see.

Also our apartment has a history of missionaries losing a bunch of hair because of the shower water hahaha. The last missionaries who served here all lost a good noticeable portion of their hair. SO to combat the hair loss, I bought some pills that are supposed to keep my hair from falling out. Hopefully they work haha.   
That’s crazy you guys are finally doing the remodeling. You might be able to finish in under 2 years.
Udy Elder

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