I'm being transferred to....

February 6, 2018
Szervusztok mindenkinek, (Hello everyone)
This past week was a good one for us. In our apartment we had about 8 Books of Mormon laying around that were damaged somehow either by water or the cover was faded.  So we were going to just throw them away until we decided that we could write little short testimonies in them and just place them in random spots in the city and put a sign on each one that says “free book”. So that is what we did. And then when I was calling some people to remind them about our English class, the first guy I talked to said he found one of our books and he will read it, which was cool. 
Also it was really cold this week and there was a ton of snow, so I decided I should probably buy a hat. And I got a really nice winter hat that was on clearance for 700 forint which is less than 3 dollars. Its nice how most things here are really cheap.


Fresh new hat

This past week I hit my 6 month mark on my mission, so keeping with tradition I burned an ugly tie that was just laying around our apartment. I managed to only get one tiny burn on my hand. It’s crazy that I have been on my mission for 6 months already. 
We also found out officially this week who will be the next mission president. In July when our mission and the Romanian mission combine, President Szabadkai is leaving. But the current mission president of the Romanian mission, President Hettinger, will be the new mission president. It's kind of sad because the mission president will no longer be Hungarian, but it will still be good. 
Also this past week while we were teaching a family, they asked us if we are able to baptize them which is a great way to finish off my 4-month stay here in Kaposvár. Tomorrow is transfer day and I am being transferred to Székesfehérvár. I'll still be in the southwest zone, but I'll be a lot closer to Budapest. And there is only 1 missionary companionship in the city so it will be different than here in Kaposvár. But a new city means new adventures so I am looking forward to it. 
To answer your question, I don’t really know why p-days are moved on transfer week. Transfers are always on a Wednesday and we get a call on Tuesday morning form the mission president or the APs telling us where we are going. So maybe since transfers are on Wednesday, having the Tuesday before be a p-day helps missionaries pack and prepare to leave. As for tracting, most of the areas here in Hungary are pretty big population wise, so I think most areas probably take at least a year or close to a year to tract all of it. In my 4 months here, I probably tracted about a 1/3 of our area inside of Kaposvár. That’s Gooooood that BYU won (against St. Mary’s) hopefully they can beat Gonzaga. 
Sok szeretettel, (Lots of love)
    Udy Elder 

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