Winter is finally here, wing night, and "Az elnök"

February 26, 2018
Sziasztok mindenkinek, (Hello everyone)
This past week we stayed busy doing our regular thing of teaching and tracting. We got a nice lineup of 3 families we are teaching and a handful of other people. Hopefully we can get some baptismal dates out of them this coming week. Also this week we had our apartment cleaning check. Once every transfer (9 weeks) a senior missionary couple comes down to inspect our apartment, but then we have to find a way to get rid of all the mold on the walls and any other problems. But there are no worries because we passed. 
Also, winter finally came. We haven't gotten as much snow compared to other places in Hungary. It has snowed here, but every time it snows it doesn't stick to the ground. But now we have snow on the ground and the temperature dropped below -10 degrees Celsius (14 F). So sometimes our 3 or 4- hour tracting sessions have started to get cold.   

Something I haven't talked about yet, Multiple people here on separate, independent occasions, from our investigators to some random lady running a Christmas shop, have told me that I look like a U.S president. And so far I have had 4 people tell me I look like John F Kennedy. Even some of the members and a few of our investigators have started to call me "Az elnök" (The President). 

Also lately I have been craving some buffalo chicken wings so I put my chef skills to work and we made buffalo wings with the other elders and had our own wing night. We also made some ranch to go with it and it was so many flavors in my mouth that I haven't had in so long. 
Wing Night

Also I plan on burning a tie at some point this week to mark 6 months on the mission, and I’ll try and make a video and send it to you next week. In my personal study for now I read 30 minutes in the Book of Mormon and 30 minutes in Jesus the Christ. In our apartment we have every Liahona from like 2007, so I have read every one of those up until July 2014. It gives some entertainment in my free time at night or in the morning. What is the wing recipe you always use? if I could have that it would be great.  And next week my p-day will be on Tuesday because transfers are next Wednesday.
- Udy Elder

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