No one wanted to hear our message and then we got to the last house on the street...

January 29, 2018
Sziasztok Mindenkinek, (Hello everyone)
Last week for p-day we went to a go-karting place and it was a lot of fun. Fuchs Elder, the missionary form Germany serving here in Kaposvár, said it was his first time driving anything with a steering wheel. I thought it was a little weird, but I guess driving just isn't as common here in Europe. It has also been almost 5 months since I have driven anything, so it was a nice refreshing feeling for me. 

For about the past month and a half we had a break in our English class, but we are starting it back up this next week. This past week, in order to get a lot of people to attend, we made a bunch of flyers and called about 70 people who used to attend English class at some point. Hopefully we can get a bunch of people to attend. 
Also I was on splits with Spencer Elder and we were going out tracting and nobody wanted to hear our message about Jesus Christ, like usual, but then we got to the last house on the street and we were joking around saying that this house is going to let us in. And it turns out they actually did let us in. It was cool because they had met with missionaries over 20 years ago and they showed us their really old Hungarian Book of Mormon. It was before the church had translated the entire Book of Mormon into Hungarian so it was just select sections that were translated and compiled into a book. I have seen some of the older translations of the Book of Mormon, but this was the first time I saw this selected translations edition. We were only in their home for about 5 minutes because we had to run back to our bus. But we gave them the “entire” Book of Mormon and are going back this week. And we also taught a handful of other people this week too. 
Recently I read in a 2012 Liahona, an article by Elder Jeffery R Holland, about his time as a missionary in England. And I just thought it was very similar to missionary work here in Hungary. He said, "We threw ourselves into the only thing we knew to do—knock on doors. We knocked on doors in the morning, we knocked on doors at midday, we knocked on doors in the afternoon, and we knocked on doors at night... but we kept knocking on doors. And we got in almost none of them."  Whenever we get the opportunity to go inside someone's house, we always cherish it because it doesn't happen very often. 
To answer dad's question from last week about parents picking up missionaries here, President Szabadkai is okay with it but he will only be the mission president until July 1st of this year. The church will announce the new mission president on February 3rd. So keep your eyes out for that new announcement ;). So I will have to ask the new mission president, but I think it shouldn't be a problem. 
I wish Dad a happy birthday. It has been a crazy year for you guys becoming grandparents and all. Hopefully you guys aren't spoiling Noah too much. I can't believe you guys are actually on a diet. That’s good. My diet mostly consists of frozen pizzas and ramen. It’s not as good as having a home cooked meal every night from Mom, but I survive. I did make tacos this past week which were good. 
Playing pool on p-day

Sok szeretettel (Lots of love)

      Udy Elder

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