I finished my 12 weeks of training

January 22, 2018
Sziasztok a barátaim és a családtagjaim,
This week I finished my 12 weeks of training. The first 12 weeks in the mission field we take 30 extra minutes each day during our studies and learn the fundamentals of missionary work. So technically I am no longer considered a trainee, and I am a normal missionary who is supposed to be ready to train someone else. 
Also this week we traveled to Budapest for interviews with Szabadkai elnök, our mission president. It's crazy to think that we have to travel 6 hours, of total traveling, just to have a 15- minute interview with the mission president. But we had a good time. While walking downtown Budapest there was a guy promoting Segway tours around Budapest, and he let us try riding one which was a lot of fun. You only use your feet to control your speed and steering, and you use your hands just for stability. 

Also this week I ran into a fellow American who used to play on UCON's basketball team a couple years ago, and now he is playing for the Kaposvár Kosárlabda Klub (Kaposvár basketball club or also known as the KKK around here) I guess its a professional team here in Hungary or something. He invited us to one of his games so maybe we will go some time. 

We are allowed to go 25 kilometers outside our area to proselytize. And our area covers everything on the west of Kaposvár that is within 25 kilometers. My guess is there’s probably like 20 villages in our area. The population of Kaposvár is about 45,000 (internet search reveals pop. of 67,000) and we cover half of that so 22,500 and then the population from all the villages, I would guess our area covers somewhere around 35,000 or 40,000 people. 
Map of Kaposvár and surrounding villages

Sok Szeretettel,

       Udy Elder

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