Budapest Travel, Top of the Tower, & Self Reliance Program

November 27, 2017
Sziasztok barátaim és családom, (Hello my friends and my family)

Every week since I have been here I have traveled to Budapest, and it didn't stop this week. We traveled for Zone Conference in Budapest for all the missionaries in the Southwest region of Hungary. There were about 20 missionaries from our zone there.

We learned how to utilize the #légyavilágvilágossága or  #LightTheWorld initiative in our missionary work.

Also this week I went to the Hivtal which is basically the immigration office here in Hungary. There I applied for a 2-year residency card so I can finally become a legal immigrant. The Hivtal has the reputation of being like the DMV in America--long and very disorganized lines. But we were aggressive and were able to make our way to the front of the line. 

Every P-day since I have been here we have gone to the városháza, which is the city government building.  At the top of the building there is a big tower that looks over the city. Every week we ask if we are allowed to go to the top, into the tower. We usually just ask the people inside and say that we heard they take foreigners up to the tower and we want to go up. Every time they have said it's not possible. Last p-day we asked and some man took us up to the tower and it was cool to see everything from up there and to take pictures. 

Kaposvar, Hungary

And if you could send me some simple and detailed recipes of things I could cook that would be great. I can only eat so much toast. (haha)  We took a picture of a Christmas tree that is in the middle of the city.  The tree actually came from the front yard of one of our investigator's houses.

Christmas Tree in Kaposvar

Every week we work on the self-reliance program the church has so we can get it started here in the future. And I am supposed to let you guys know what I learn each week and I have not done so yet. So this is 3 weeks worth of information.

The first week we learned about working together with others. One thing I learned is that we have to be humble enough to take advice and suggestions from those whom we work with.

The second week we learned about communicating with others. When we are listening to others it is important that we use good body language such as using small words like "yes" and "okay" to let the speaker know we care about what they are saying and that we are listening to them. And if something is confusing it is important to ask them if you understood correctly.

The third week we learned about perseverance. When we have a long or strenuous task to complete, it is important that we do 4 things:
1. Keep a positive attitude and list our blessings.
2. Work together with others and ask others for help if we are unable to do something.
3. Replace our fear with faith. Avoid doubt. And
4. Move forward with patience and courage. Never give up and endure with faith. We can call upon the Lord for help and he will also help us. 

(To learn more about the Church's worldwide Self Reliance program click here
Sok Szeretettel, (Lots of Love)
     Udy Elder

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