We went to this restaurant called Texas Burger

November 20, 2017
Sziasztok barátaim és csalódom, (Hello my friends and my family)

      Last P-day was Spencer Elder's birthday, another missionary here in Kaposvár. To celebrate we went to this arcade place where we played a couple rounds of bowling and some ping-pong. It was nice to handle the ol’ paddle again.

Spencer Elder, Cushing Elder, Udy Elder

 Afterwards we went to this restaurant called Texas Burger. They had country music playing and a bunch of American decorations. It was interesting to try some Hungarian-American food. I ordered a Philly Cheese Steak, but it definitely was not as good as the original but you can't expect much more.

Texas Burger--Kaposvar, Hungary

While I'm on the topic of Hungarian-American food, after church on Sunday, our branch held a Thanksgiving lunch. There was turkey, cornbread, and stuffing. But again Hungarian-American food is not the same and there was no football in the background so it didn’t quite feel like Thanksgiving. (haha)

On Wednesday we traveled to Budapest again for new missionary training. After the training we went to one of the malls in Budapest. I was surprised by how big the mall was. I ordered a suit there because we have to wear a suit every day from October 15th to April 15th and I only have 2, so I figured it would be best if I bought one more. I bought the suit for about 30,000 forint which is about $115. Everything here is a lot cheaper than in America which is nice. 
This week our branch had a talent show which was a funny experience to watch everyone do their talents. I was going to do a juggling duo with Spencer Elder but I can only juggle and he can do a bunch of cool tricks so it would of made me just look lame. Instead he did it by himself and us four missionaries sang a hymn. It wouldn't of mattered what we did they would of loved it even if we would have just stood in the front and waved our hands. 
On Saturday I went on splits with Spencer Elder in East Side Kaposvár. He has only been out in the mission field for one complete transfer so it was a good experience because neither of us can fully quite understand everything when people talk. We ended up finding this guy in the park who we taught and it went well. People are usually pretty kind to us when we say we have only been here for 2 moths or 2 weeks.  

This video is of a man who always tries to do an Elvis impersonation and sing for us...

In our mission we are allowed to use Facebook or e-mail our investigators for 30 minutes each day. We have a Facebook page we operate and post a spiritual message every day. Since I have not been on Facebook since middle school, I had to change my profile picture of Kobe Bryant, which was sad because it has been my profile picture for I think 8 years, but it's probably not the most missionary appropriate. 
The baptism with our investigator needs to be rescheduled because he still drinks coffee. I even promised him that if we would not drink coffee, I would not speak English and I actually did not speak any English for 2 days but he still drank coffee. We get fed by the same member every Friday, and she makes us pizza. But to provide for myself we usually eat out a few times a week or put some frozen pizzas in the oven or make a sandwich. I think I am going to try to get a little more creative with my cooking, but that is a big step to take so we will see how it goes. And my companion says that our apartment is one of the worst in the mission, but I don't know anything else so it does not bother me. Also I have yet to do any service, we just mainly proselytize, study, and teach all day. During the day sometimes we take a whiteboard out with a question like ˝Miért itt vagyunk a földon?˝ Which says ˝˝Why are we here on the Earth?˝ and we talk to people about their thoughts, or we go tracting (knock on doors). And we probably teach about 7 lessons a week. 
-Udy Elder

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