
October 18, 2017
Sziastok barataim es csaladom, (Hello my friends and my family)
Udy Elder and Morgan Elder
Only one more p-day/email until we leave the MTC and go to Hungary. We get our flight plans this Friday, which I am looking forward to. 
On Friday last week the new buildings in the MTC were finally dedicated. Elder Oaks and President Eyring came to the MTC to perform the dedication. President Eyring said of the new MTC buildings, "They will mark the dawn of a new era of missionary work and a re-hastening of the work."
On Saturday we got the opportunity to Skype with church members from Hungary. We Skyped a women named Dorottya, who lives in Debrecen, Hungary. It was really cool. We talked about the importance of scripture reading with her.  We also were able to see 2 sister missionaries who were with her. 
Also, this week I found out the meaning of "megszentsegtelenithetettensegestedeseitekert." To the best of my knowledge it means "for the sanctifying of your unholiness." It is crazy how a 6 word phrase in English can be translated into one single word in Hungarian. It's one of the reasons why learning Hungarian is very difficult for English speakers because the grammar and word structure is so foreign along with there being no Latin roots.
But I seem to be learning the language just fine. This week when I wrote my talk for Sunday, on free agency and obedience to God's commandments, I was able to express most of what I wanted to say and only had to look up 1 word in the dictionary. Also our teacher Sharp Nover said we were one of the hardest working and better speaking Hungarian groups she has seen in the MTC. She also said that at times we all lack confidence, except for Udy Elder. Saying that did not help the problem I have with being humble.
After a busy week of studying about Hungarian and Jesus, it is always nice to chill with the other Elders in the zone #SaturdaysAreForTheBoys. This week, after our classes, we held our first cosmic bowling night. We used empty chocolate milk bottles as pins, and put glow sticks inside them so they would light up. We used a nerf ball as a bowling ball and had a flashlight hanging from the ceiling with paper, which had numerous holes in it, surrounding the flashlight so we could have a disco ball. Also we made a dart board with duct tape and we used candy as darts. It was a nice and enjoyable cap to the week. 
Cosmic Bowling

Candy Dart Board
I have already dry cleaned both my suits, it costs about $12 each suit. But I plan on dry cleaning both of them and getting my hair cut right before we leave. I didn't get your post card, but I did get a letter from the “other side” of Provo which was nice. And this week we were released as zone leaders so our reign is now over, but I am still the district leader who unlocks the mailbox everyday. Also here in the MTC we can buy a phone card so we can call our families at the airport when we leave. I don't have one yet, but I will buy one and let you know more about it next week.
Sok Szeretettel, (Lots of love)

                  Udy Elder

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