This week our teacher revealed the longest word in Hungarian

October 11, 2017
I am now two thirds done with my time at the MTC, and I leave at the end of this month. 6 weeks of living in the same 1/2 mile radius and re-living the same schedule every day really takes it's toll on you. They say the only difference between Prison and the MTC is that in Prison you at least get visitors, haha. But in Prison I guess you don't get to learn about Jesus and Hungarian all day long. 
This week in our class one of our teachers revealed to us the longest word she was aware of in Hungarian. It is "megszentsegtelenithetettensegestedeseitekert." To me it just looked like a bunch of letter nonsense. I know it has something to do with unholiness, but I don't know exactly what it means. Our teacher said that once we understand all of the grammar principles, we should be able to figure out the meaning. So stay tuned for when I find out the meaning of megszentsegtelenithetettensegestedeseitekert. 
This week while wandering around the MTC I ran into the Prince of Ethopia. Not everyday you run into African Royalty, so it was exciting. The MTC Presidency was giving him a tour of the campus. Also this week we watched the funeral of the Apostle Elder Robert D Hales. It was cool because I have never watched an Apostle's funeral services before and it meant that my schedule was a little different for that day. Watch Robert D. Hales funeral services
On Monday our district, along with a few other districts, was assigned to help with the hosting of 101 new senior missionaries coming into the MTC. My job was to be the
"pack-mule" which meant I carried all of their suitcases from their cars into their rooms. I can tell you from experience that the 2 suitcase rule does not apply to senior couples. It seems that their luggage limit is only dependent on how much luggage they can stuff into their car. Some senior couples had 7 or 8 suitcases we had to carry into their rooms.

On Tuesday night another apostle came and spoke to us. This time we got to hear from Elder D Todd Christofferson. We have been lucky to hear from 3 apostles while here at the MTC. Elder Christofferson mainly talked about the history of the printing of the Book of Mormon. I found it astonishing that the Book of Mormon has been translated into 90 different languages, and there are currently 180 million copies in existence. Probably only the Bible, Koran, and maybe the Harry Potter Series have more copies in existence than the Book of Mormon. And also the growth of the printing of the Book of Mormon was also astonishing. At first there were only about 5,000 copies being printed every year, but now there are 5 million copies printed each year.  To learn more and order a free Book of Mormon click here
Sok Seretettel,

                 Udy Elder

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