Our teachers decided it would be a good idea for us to only speak Hungarian

September 20, 2017
     This week our teachers decided it would be a good idea for us to speak nem angol (no English) in class and only speak in magyarol (Hungarian). It's safe to say that class got a lot quieter, but it's a good idea for us to try and learn the language faster. Hungarian is a very foreign language. It may use the same alphabet as English, but the similarities with English start and end there. There are actually 40 different letters in the alphabet because there are so many different types of O’s, U’s and other vowels. And since there are no latin roots, it is a struggle to memorize new words, but I try my best each day to grow my vocabulary. Another thing that makes Magyarol so foreign is that the words can be very long because of all the suffixes you add onto words. A word could have 2 or 3 different suffixes and first you have to try and listen to what the word is and then listen to all the little suffixes to try and understand the meaning.  
     Also, this week we had to change classrooms which was sad. Our old classroom was on the same floor as the terrace so we would go out there for class sometimes which was nagyon jo (very good). But all good things must come to an end. Now our class is on the first floor of the other new building so we don't get to watch the sunset over the mountains anymore. I'm just grateful that our class isn't in one of the older buildings because those buildings are like a dungeon compared to the new ones. Also on every P-day (today) we get to go the Provo temple which is always a good experience. It's the one time a week we get to step foot outside the MTC campus. 
New MTC building with Provo Temple in backgound
      On Tuesday, another apostle came and spoke to us. This time we heard from Elder Quentin L Cook. He spoke of 4 loves to develop to be a successful missionary. 1. Love your Companion 2. Love the People 3. Love your Mission President. And most importantly 4. Love the Savior. As we learn to love the Savior and make it our primary emphasis, we can show our love by taking his gospel to the world. 
I got the your package and the cookies were very tasty. And now I have some socks I can wear during exercise time so my socks aren't sweaty for the rest of the day. And the hoodie is for when I go and grab breakfast at 6:40 in the morning. Yes I prepared my talk, but luckily I did not have to give it this week. But since I am here 9 weeks, I will probably have to give a talk at least one time and maybe two times. And I have yet to think of a scripture for my plaque so I will think of one and let you know what it is next week. Also for some reason I can't figure out how to get pictures using the USB cord that plugs into my camera, but I borrowed my companion's SD card reader and it works. So if you could send me one of those that would be great.  And you only say “Sziastok” if you are saying hi or bye to multiple people and “szia” is hi or bye to just one person.
- Udy Elder

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