Leaving the office and heading to Pápa

March 11, 2019
Szép jó reggelt kívánok!
A picture of the parliament building I took last week

My time to leave the mission office has finally come!!! This past week my replacement came, Elder Barton, and I have been giving him a heavy rundown on all of my duties as an office elder. It makes me feel like a really old missionary now that Elder Barton is my replacement because I was his Zone Leader when he came into the country, and now he is an office elder. On Wednesday I will be heading out with a new missionary to a little town called Pápa (Pápa means "Pope" in English). Pápa is the smallest city in the mission with only 30,000 people, and there hasn't been Elders there since August of last year, so I will be opening it back up again. It will also be my first time serving outside of the Budapest Stake. I will be in one of the Districts within Hungary. I am excited to learn more about the area when I get there, stay tuned for more.
Pápa is West of Budapest
There was a baptism in Buda this past week. A 9 year old was baptized. Her parents are members but they were less-acitve/inactive for a long time, and they have started to become active again which is great. It was actually the first baptism interview on my mission that I have done, since I have only been district leader for 12 weeks throughout my mission. 
With a new transfer there are new Facebook missionaries, and since I am designated as the most knowledgeable facebook missionary, I will be giving a training to the newly called Facebook missionaries today on how to use it in missionary work. 
I am grateful that the Lord has given me this experience to serve in the mission office. It is a good experience that will be useful in my future working experiences. I am excited to see what the future brings in Pápa.
Sok szeretettel,
Udy Elder

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a lot of work... and it will be nice to serve in a "small" city, lol still nothing like our little town here in Slippery Rock! Enjoy!


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