We had a general authority in our apartment

February 18, 2019
Jó Reggelt!  (Good Morning!)
This past week L came to church as usual. We had a very good lesson with him earlier in the week. The first counselor in the bishopric was also there with us. We taught the Plan of Salvation while focusing on what we need to do to be exalted or "inherit the kingdom of God". Plan of Salvation link  We challenged him to be baptized, but we were unable to receive a solid commitment from him. But he noted that later he could be baptized, and said if God tells him to then he will. So we will pray for him. We will continue teaching him and help him realize why it is important to be baptized in our church instead of the Catholic Church. Other than that we had a really good lesson with "I" where we taught her about the plan of salvation. She has started to believe more in God ever since we have started to meet with her, and hopefully she will be accept a baptismal commitment in the next lesson.

There was a really cool thing that happened this week. The other elders in Buda found a young man from California who is 21 years old.  His dad is Hungarian, and a little while ago he and his dad moved here. He doesn't speak any Hungarian, just English, even though he has a Hungarian name.  He met with sister missionaries in California for a time.  He is really excited about the gospel, and he agreed to be baptized next month. He is a super cool and friendly, and I am excited for him. 
Last week on p-day we went to a Jewish synagogue in Budapest. Before World War II about 20% of Budapest was Jewish so they had a very big presence here. It is actually the largest synagogue in Europe and the 2nd largest synagogue in the world. It was really cool. We also got a little tour and we took it in Hungarian which was fun.
Dohány Street Synagogue the Great Synagogue (Nagy Zsinagóga) of Budapest

Elder Sabin

This past week Elder Sabin of the Quorum of the Seventy and also the 1st counselor in the Europe Area Presidency came and visited our mission. He talked to us about  life lessons he has learned, and also how we can better work with returning members and bring them back.  Elder Morgan and I also got chosen for an apartment check by Elder Sabin, probably because we live right across the street from the mission office. It was weird to have a general authority in our apartment, but thankfully our apartment was clean and in shape. 
Sok szeretettel, (Lots of Love)
Udy Elder

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