We have been helping the senior couple look for another missionary apartment

January 7, 2019
Danube River--north of Budapest

Jó Reggelt! (Good Morning)
This past week we had to host Elder Smith, my companion who I was with in Szeged for about 5 weeks, because he was sick and needed to go to the doctor in Budapest. He came up on Monday and then left Tuesday morning, but he had an allergic reaction to the medication so he had to come back up for a couple more days, and before he could go back to his proselyting area we had to make sure he was good. We were able to call everybody in three large area books that we have that contains records of the people missionaries have taught throughout the years. It turned out good because we were able to set up a good number of lessons for this week, with people we have never even talked to.  
We have also been helping one of the senior couples look for another missionary apartment in Budapest. We always have to call the people to set up appointments to go look at the apartment, and if they don't speak English, then we go with the senior couple so they can communicate.  We have gone to look at one apartment so far and maybe more in the coming week. 
We have a guy we are teaching. He is an older man and after going to Catholic mass on Sunday mornings he comes straight to our church. This next week should be really good and busy for us and hopefully we will be able to meet with lots of people and do a bunch of office work like usual. 
Right now the mission slideshow we made isn't posted anywhere. It is just saved in a file on my computer. That's really cool that President Nelson has Hungary's dedicatory prayer hung up in his office.
President Nelson in his office--Hungary coat of arms in frame on right wall with Dedicatory Prayer of Hungary
President Hettinger said that President Nelson always mentions Hungary whenever he is giving a seminar to mission presidents. 
Sok szeretettel,  (Lots of love)
Udy Elder
Christmas dinner

Last p-day we went to a Hungarian village north of Budapest on the Danube and we went hiking
Train ride

Danube River--north of Budapest

Cobblestone Streets

1 comment:

  1. Looks like quite a variety for your Christmas dinner. I hope you old companion got better. The train ride was fun I hope, unless it was
    super long..


We had zone conference last week. My last one.

August 12, 2019 Walking the streets of Pécs Jó reggelt mindenkinek! (Good morning everyone) This past week we had two people in ...