My new companion is Elder Morgan

December 17, 2018
Jó reggelt! 
With transfers being this week, the new Secretary to replace Elder Burnett came last week to start his training. The new Secretary/my new companion is Elder Morgan, who was my MTC companion. It is crazy to think we are back together again after being separated for over a year. Last week was probably the busiest week we have ever had in the office, meaning we spent more time there than any other occasion. I think 3 or 4 days last week we were there from morning time until 9:00 at night. We planned all the travel for the Hungarian and Romanian transfers, we got most of the immigration paperwork worked out, we trained Elder Morgan on all of his responsibilities, we helped the senior couple look for apartments, and a bunch of other boring stuff. The week before transfers is always the busiest, so hopefully we will have time to do more missionary work this next week. 
Elders Morgan, Burnett, & Udy
We had Zone Conference last week which was really cool. As part of Zone Conference we did a Plan of Salvation role play where one of the Budapest companionships invited someone who is currently being taught to come. Randomly, each companionship in the zone selected a point from the Plan of Salvation lesson and as 8 companionships we taught the entire lesson to him. My companion and I got the last point and we had to finish the lesson. It was really cool. We were super bold with him and then I asked him to be baptized and he said yes and now he is going to get baptized in 3 weeks. Also in the Europe area there were 2 new key indicators (statistics) added to missionary work 1. Returning members contacted and 2. Returning members attending Sacrament Meeting. I think this is a good idea especially in small branches were there isn't a lot of member-member missionary work. 
Other than that, on Sunday we participated in a Christmas concert after church and there was a bunch of food, so it was really good. The “Light the World” flashlights arrived and the post should be posted today on Facebook so the orders should start to come in.
Sok szeretettel,
Udy Elder

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We had zone conference last week. My last one.

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