"Light the World" Facebook flashlight campaign

December 10, 2018

Jó Reggelt! (Good Morning)

Last week was really busy for us. We had a nice 4-day vacation from the office from last Saturday to Tuesday, because we were on exchanges in Dunaújváros and our p-days are on Monday. But that meant we had a lot of work in the office when we arrived back on Wednesday. Our exchanges in Dunaújváros were really good. It is a nice breath of fresh air to go there and devote the entire day to proselyting. We had a lot of success contacting people on the street in Dunaújváros.

This past Saturday we went with a bunch of young single adults from around Budapest to an old folks home to talk and sing to people. We also made Christmas packages to deliver to a hospital for kids with cancer. The other companionship in Buda had a baptism on Saturday which was really cool. His name is Attila, and his wife was baptized a year ago, and now both of them are members of the church. On Sunday we had a big finding activity and all of the missionaries in Budapest were together. President Hettinger was also there and it was fun because I would be talking to someone and sometimes he would walk about and join in, but he would just stand there and watch intently because he couldn't speak or understand Hungarian. The activity was good because the place we went is in our area, and a lot of the people that walked through live in our area, so we got a lot of phone numbers and people we can meet with.  

There is a Facebook campaign that we need to get organized this week. We are receiving a big shipment of flashlights that say "Light the World" on them or something. And then through a Facebook post we offer people a free flashlight.  Then the missionaries go and personally deliver them to the people that request them. But before we do this there is a lot of preparatory stuff that we need to do like create a Facebook form with the post where people can click on the post and then enter in their contact information. This should keep us pretty busy for December managing all of the flashlight orders. 

Also we are making an end of the year slideshow for the December zone conferences of pictures that missionaries have taken throughout the year. I have started to learn more about Romanian travel. Elder Burnett and I have started to plan the travel for the Romanian transfer, and then later we have to buy all of the tickets. The trains aren't as good in Romania as they are in Hungary and they don't run as frequently, so it takes planning in advance to make sure everything runs smoothly. It is a big puzzle that takes a lot of time to put together all of the pieces. We have to try and make sure that no one is ever alone, and sometimes they have to take planes or get on a train for 14 hours. 

Sok szeretettel,

Udy Elder

Pictures from last p-day when we walked around the Christmas market

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