Every Thursday we teach a free English class

November 13, 2017
Sziasztok barátaim és családom, (Hello my friends and my family)
       All is well here in Hungary. I am slowly starting to understand more of what people are saying. I carry around with me a little pocket notebook in which I write down words that I don’t know. Pretty soon it will be as big as a dictionary because there are a lot of words I don’t know. Cushing Elder has me lead a lot of the lessons. He says that way I will be able to learn and grow more. 
When we go tracting it sounds like a dog pound or something. On average every house has 2 dogs outside their house and every time we walk down the street and ring the bells on the gates outside of people's houses, every dog on the street starts barking. And then we have to yell for people to understand what we are saying. But don't worry, I am learning how to be louder than the barking dogs.  
Also every Thursday we teach a free English class. There has been up to 30 people who show up to the class, and then we split them up into a beginner and an advanced class. I don't know how qualified I am to teach Hungarians English, but it's a free class so I guess the expectations are pretty low. This week we taught the advanced class and they all know English pretty well, so we just played 20 questions with them and explained a few things about English. 
On Friday we got fed by a church member for the first time. She ordered pizza for us. I made sure to take advantage of the opportunity because the more I ate meant the less I had to provide for myself. So I ate an entire pizza (8 slices) by myself.
On Sunday we went to stake conference (regional church meeting) in Budapest. It was a 3-hour train ride one-way. I had never seen so many missionaries at a stake conference before. There were over 50 missionaries there. We arrived right when it started so there were no chairs for us, so I was standing in the back the entire time. Someone form the Quorum of the Seventy came, I forgot his name, but he spoke in English which was nice to hear because I could understand all of it. It was also nice to see some of the missionaries from my MTC district and to meet the other missionaries in the mission.
Sorry about no pictures, I will do better next week.  That’s about all I can think of right now.
Sok szerettél, (Lots of Love)

       Udy Elder 

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